The Advocacy Committee works to advance substantive equality for Asian Canadian legal professionals and members of the Asian community in Atlantic Canada. Our recent initiatives have included:
• Survey of Asian lawyers in Atlantic Canada on experiences of systemic discrimination for the External, Independent Review of Systemic Discrimination in the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society; and
• Meeting with Doug Ruck, KC, independent external reviewer, to provide further information on experiences of discrimination by Asian lawyers.
Our Student Committee oversees all student engagement initiatives and events. We work closely with the Dalhousie Asian Students’ Association and other student organizations.
FACL Atlantic’s mentorship program helps law students and articling students connect with experienced members of the bar in Atlantic Canada. The Mentorship Committee focuses on matching mentees/mentors and organizing networking opportunities, with the goal of helping students enhance their skill development and gain important career contacts.
Communications & Membership
The Communications and Membership Committee keeps everyone updated on FACL Atlantic events, activities, and initiatives through social media, email newsletters, and our website. This Committee also oversees our membership list and outreach to new members.